Saturday, 16 August 2008

Just S

These are the latest pieces that I made for Just S Butik Ateljé, a wonderful shop in the heart of the Gamla Stan in Stockholm. I discovered it back in April, while I was visiting the city, and I was fascinated by all the lovely things that were for sale... and not. Amongst them was a bowl full of old wooden letter stamps; unfortunately they were not for sale. They would have been very handy for my collage work...










Unknown said...

Queste borsette sono carinissime!!


Unknown said...

si possono mettere come pearcings??

Anonimo napoletano

cristina zani said...

Fatica, guarda che lo so che sei tu; ti riconosco dal fatto che non sai riconoscere un ciondolo da una borsetta e che non sai l'inglese (nonostante tutti i miei sforzi per insegnarti!). Non si scrive pearcings, ma piercings.

Va' a laurà, barbun!

Unknown said...

Mi hai beccato anche stavolta.....pero' l'dea del piercing secondo me potrebbe andare. Pensaci su!

Anonymous said...

Really nice, I admire your creativity, did I mention that my birthday is coming up...;-)


Anonymous said...

Cri sei ogni giorno piu' brava! Le nuove creazioni sono bellissime!

belula said...

oooooh!!!!! encantan....sobre todo el cuarto...preciosooosss!!!!