Friday, 12 September 2008


Last Friday I went to the opening of the exhibition Artistas con Corazón in Salamanca. Unfortunately, due to the traffic on the outskirts of Madrid, it took longer than expected to get there. Despite the traffic, the pouring rain, the lack of an address for the Palacio Episcopal, we made it! And I finally got to meet Paula, the big-hearted person who organised the exhibition.

Lots of artists from around the world donated their work to this worthy cause and it was fantastic to see just how many participated. I've just read on Paula's blog that the event was a great success and so far a total of 4.950€ has been raised! I was also very flattered to discover that she bought one of my necklaces.

A big thanks to Paula for making this happen! Without her determination and enthusiasm this wouldn't have been possible.


Raquel said...

Hola Cristina, ¡gracias por tu visita y por adoptar a Julieta!
Estoy segura de que la cuidarás muy bien.
Parece que la exposición de Paula ha ido fenomenal, y me alegro un montón por ella porque ha trabajado mucho.
Un beso guapa.

janil said...

Me encantan tus creaciones! He descubierto tu blog recientemente y me han sorprendido muy gratamente tus trabajos... Es posible encargarte algo online? Si no te importa te linkeo para no perderte de vista!